
How to Get Rid of Your Negative Attitude

Having a negative attitude is a real problem. It can lead to depression, trouble at work sometimes making you lose your job, sometimes even driving your loved ones away. Some people just always seem to look on the negative side of things no matter how hard they try. This is not always of their own making, it can come from experiences in childhood: for example their parents always criticised everything they did - nothing was ever right, from their education results, to how they dressed. I would like to stress that it does not always stem from the parents, but there is usually an underlying cause of this Negativity.

It does not have to be this way. You can change.

For example: It is a cloudy, rainy day. You are late for work. Stuck in a traffic jam that isn't moving. Rain beating down on the roof of your car. Time is ticking on. You are not going to make that urgent meeting at 9.00am. Most people would be really stressed by this point in time. Possibly cursing under their breath at the cars in front. Thoughts running through their head about the consequences of missing that important meeting.

Did you even bother to have a look around you and see what was happening on the outside world. Did you notice the woman at the bus stop get splashed all over by a passing car - but was laughing about it. Did you see the little girl jumping in all the puddles with her boots on - having a really great time with a smile that spread from ear to ear. Do you see the person looking up into the sky and just feeling the rain on their face - enjoying the moment.

These things do happen, it is just that people are so wrapped up in their own problems, they do not see things 'out of the box'.

Enjoy your life. Appreciate what you have. Take time to notice the little things. Remember things in life that you have achieved - remember the feeling. Start imagining yourself how you want to be.

A great exercise for this is to look into a mirror and say out loud:
' I love you'; 'you are beautiful'; 'you are confident'; 'people like being around you'.

But you must say it with conviction, like you mean it. Some people find looking into a mirror and telling themselves 'I love you' an extremely hard, painful thing to do. They may cry, they may not be able to say it at all. Keep trying. You are starting to break the barriers down. They have been there a long time so it may take some work. But it will be worth it.

Positive affirmations do work. You are training your mind to look at yourself in a different way. Re-programming your mind. You can do these on your own. You can use many different alternative therapies such as Self Hypnosis, Meditation, Meditation which is enhanced by Binaural Beats (see below for suggestions)

When you start to see things in a fresh new way, you will notice many things in your life will begin to change. People will comment that you seen different, that you seem so relaxed. You will feel much more at peace with yourself. You will still find yourself in stressful situations, but find that you do not react the way you used to.

I know these changes do not usually happen over night - but they can. The first hardest step is to make the decision to change. To make your life the way you want it to be. Once you train your mind to follow this path, you will notice small changes all the time.

There may be one certain person that always seems to wind you up. All of a sudden you realise that, actually, they don't any more. They do not even ruffle your feathers. Things must be changing.

If you start to meditate, which is always a great thing to do anyway, you will notice these changes happening even quicker and stronger.

If you are at peace with yourself, you will find that most people around you, will start to act the same. It is contagious. It makes them realise how up-tight and stressed they themselves are and unknowingly they will start to copy your example.

So if you are someone who feels, depressed, picked on, stressed, and always looking on the negative side of things. Just look in a mirror and say 'I love you', with strength and commitment. You would then have taken the first step to freedom and the rest of your life. Living the way it should be lived.

(For the Binaural Beats I would suggest possibly using frequencies of 1.0 (which is for feelings of well-being: harmony and balance) 3.5 (feeling of unity with everything: Wholebeing regeneration: remedy for depression and anxiety) and possibly 7.5 ( Inter-awareness of self & purpose; helps find solutions to troublesome problems), and 7.83 ( Earth Resonance, grounding; improved stress tolerance, rejuvenation effects; leaves you feeling revitalized; accelerated healing).

I hope you found some interesting tips in this article, to help you start changing your Negative Attitude.

Posted by Aneka Tips on 10.55. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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