Earthquake World Predictions: A Professional Psychic Insight Into Quake Disasters
It is essential to know about world earthquake predictions these days. The erratic earth changes happening to our planet are taking a huge toll on life and infrastructure. If you want to find out what a professional psychic reveals about world earthquake predictions read on.
The latest round of global shattering earthquakes have been intense. The destruction and devastation is on a large magnitude of scale not seen before. We are all worried. A psychic reading reveals the metaphysical side of natural disasters.
It is true after every quake the pain and human suffering is immense. It is hard to be in a happy frame of mind when you are looking at what was once a large modern building and it is now turned into a heap of rubble and ash. The seismic activity is frightening. If you ever experience an earthquake you will never forget it. Emotional trauma follows and you often need professional counseling as the emotional shock leaves its scars.
The metaphysical reason for earthquakes is a fascinating subject. It is common to hear about the fault lines the scientists talk about, and shifting of tectonic plates, and this we are used to hearing. Yet it is the metaphysical side of natural quake disasters that escapes us. Here a professional psychic helps to shed some light upon this baffling natural enigma from a more esoteric point of view.
The time of the ascension is upon us and there is a new energy upon the earth plane. It brings with it new changes and challenges. Many of these earth changes come in the form of quakes that rock many communities around the world. Much of the karma of humanity is heavy right now and karmic debts need to be paid of in human suffering and pain. It is sad but few understand how the lords of karma work.
A psychic readings gives a keen understanding on what is the esoteric reason behind quake happenings. Many countries will receive earthquakes in the near future. The 2012 Mayan Calendar points out we are at the end on a long cycle of humanity. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one cycle of promise and positive energy.
Survival skills are critical in any kind of quake disaster. Food shortages and water shortages will be common. We have to learn how to handle all of the new challenges. The time to begin this new part of our human journey is now.