Japan Tsunami 2011
Japan was devastated by 8.9 magnitude earthquake unleashing 13 foot tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland and prompting a "nuclear emergency" March 11, 2011.
Many people died estimated around 1000 and 11000 headcounts were transferred to evacuation centers. A tsunami warning has also been issued for Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and US state of Hawaii.
A tsunami warning has also been issued for Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and US state of Hawaii. Recent analysis of historical data shows that four of the top ten most deadly earthquakes and tsunamis since 1701 occurred in the last decade, including the 2004 Indian Ocean (Sumatra) and 2010 Haiti events. The magnitude 8.8 2010 Chile earthquake was the fifth largest earthquake ever recorded. These events generate questions about the frequency and severity of geologic natural hazards worldwide. The National Geophysical Data Center and co-located World Data Center for Geophysics and Marine Geology maintain a global historical event database of tsunamis, significant earthquakes, and significant volcanic eruptions (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazards/). Analysis of the database revealed that while the total number of magnitude 7.5 earthquakes per decade since 1901 has remained consistent, the last decade has experienced some of the most devastating geologic events in history. Until 2010, the most deadly event in the Caribbean was the 1902 eruption of Pelee that caused 28 000 deaths. While devastating, this event is dwarfed by the 230 000 deaths that resulted from the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The 2010 Chile earthquake is among the top ten most deadly earthquakes and tsunamis in the entire history of Chile. While the database does not provide answers as to why these recent events are so deadly, the analysis reinforces the need for increasing our understanding of earthquakes and tsunamis in all regions of the world. As the global population continues to increase, placing more people at risk, it is important to dedicate resources to mitigate against the effects of such natural hazards. Experts said that this pattern was not unusual. With this earthquake as with others, essentially two tsunamis are generated, one that hits the local coastline, often within minutes, and another can travel for thousands of miles in the opposite direction, some of its energy dissipating as it spreads across the open ocean.
It is then time to reunite and be awaken about the natural effect the development has made to our Mother Earth and to the current ecological status the world is right now. Every nation who will help rebuild the broken and devastated country would be a good help in times like this.
UN, USA, Russia, China, Korea, Singapore, Spain, France, UK, Canada, Africa and all other countries not mentioned should unite and give a helping hand to the countries experiencing calamities, not only natural calamities but also political and economical calamities.
For Japan, this tsunami that devastated your country is just a trial, and so long as people learn to value their country and fellow, you will overcome this situation.