Psychic Prediction 2011: Flood Predictions
Keep up to date with psychic prediction for the year of 2011. As we commence the new year flood and earthquake predictions are rampant. But more than this they are really happening all around the world even as I write this article.
Psychics use the clairvoyant skill of precognition to foretell future warnings on upcoming disasters. This tool of divination was often used in the time of the famous prophet Nostradamus and even as far back as oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece.
The 2011 flood and earthquake predictions are simply a reading of the energy of the planet. Psychics treat the earth as a breathing and living being. Much like we humans are alive and exist in a state of consciousness.
Not so long ago the raging floods were bearing down in Brisbane Australia with catastrophic consequences. Up to 150 millimetres of rain fell in three hours. Brisbane River broke its banks and the state of Queensland experienced the biggest floods since 1974. I felt sorry for the people as many thousands of homes were ruined. Lives were lost.
You do not have to be a psychic to understand we are all going through some very strange and erratic weather patterns around the globe. The future predictions are about the further damage that will occur on a massive scale with more floods and even earthquake turmoil. Man and material will suffer.
When flood water raises so rapidly it is very dangerous. Not having any previous experience with such a disaster many unsuspecting people were trapped in the Brisbane flood areas. Some called the Brisbane floods an inland tsunami as the water swept through the suburb of Toowoomba leaving nine people dead.
Natural disasters cause great stress for friends and relatives. Psychics have great insight into the energy behind floods and earthquakes. It is a part of their psychic toolkit.